About Us

From humble beginnings come great things!

We started with a shell of a building- an abandoned greenhouse that needed lots of love, cleanup and renovating. The start of the dream was here.


First Days

The project looked overwhelming once we started, but what better place to be working than out in the country?!

Clean Up Begins

More than twelve trailer loads of debris, plastic and just general trash was removed. Efforts were made to transplant and save former resident plants. We discovered cement walkway!

The Plow Horses Arrived

We had several beautiful plow horses arrive to help us get our field under control....and to practice plowing!;-)  while we concentrated on the building cleanup

The Walls Go Up!

How exciting it was when the walls went up.  And we finally had respite from the almost constant wind. There were five of us that will never forget that Summer. 

Now We Got Our Own Produce

Beginner farmers that we are, we have already produced quite a bit of food on this property.  Fresh veggies are available in season.  Local farmers contribute too. 

Look Now!

We have come a long way and still have a long way to go.  We hope you'll forgive any growing pains and join us on our journey!